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Chapter 51 2 WILLS & TRUSTS

Chapter 51 2 WILLS & TRUSTS

Q A is a lifelong resident of New York and dies without a valid will. A had 2 sons, B and C. B had 2 kids , X & Y. C had one kid...Z. If B predeceased will A's estate be divided up amongst X,Y,C, and Z? If B and C BOTH predecease will the estate be divided up amongst X, Y, and Z? Please see course document section for New York Intestacy Law

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If the situation is such that B predeceased A, A’s estate will be divided in such a way that X will get 25% of A’s estate. Similarly, Y will also get 25% of A’s estate. Thereafter, the rest 50% of A’s estate would legally go to C. In contrast, there will not be any portion of A’s estate received by Z because there is no evidence that C is not alive anymore. Therefore, once C loses life, Z will be eligible to receive something from A’s estate (Patrick & Morrison,